Travel Time Ruling Requires Workers to be Paid When Traveling Overnight
Summary: If your employer isn’t paying you properly for travel time, an attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve. Request your free review today.  Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), travel time that requires an overnight stay away from home is typically...
Plastering Company Ordered to Pay Over $700K: A Look at Piece Rate Pay Violations
Summary: A plastering company that was required to pay out more than $700,000 to workers is one of the latest to have been caught engaging in piece rate pay overtime violations. If your employer uses this system of compensation and you believe they are not...
Miami Company Owes $260K for Misclassifying Nurses: Understanding IC Misclassification and Overtime Rights
Summary: If you are being paid regular rates for overtime work or face other overtime issues, your employer could be violating state and federal law. Contact an attorney to learn more about your legal rights.  Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), wage violations occur...
Late Wage Payments in California: Know Your Right to Sue and Recover Damages
Summary: California law has specific requirements for when and how often workers should be paid. If your employer is not paying you on time, you could be eligible to file a wage and hour claim. An attorney can review your case, help you recover unpaid...
California Mileage Reimbursement Lawsuits: Understanding Your Rights on Unreimbursed Expenses
Summary: If you use your car for business-related purposes for your employer, California law requires that you receive appropriate mileage reimbursement. Contact an attorney for more information.  Under California Law, all employers are required to reimburse employees for necessary job-related expenses such as mileage. When...
What Are the Overtime Laws for Flag Rate Workers?
Summary: If you are a flag rate worker navigating an overtime pay dispute, you may need legal help. Speak with an attorney about collecting the overtime wages you deserve. Under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), covered, non-exempt employees must be paid...
California Hospice Faces $5M Wage Lawsuit: What This Means for Healthcare Workers
Summary: After a California hospice company allegedly engaged in numerous wage and hour violations during the pandemic, past and current employees are seeking back wages in a $5 million lawsuit. If you work in healthcare and suspect wage theft from your employer, an attorney can...
Alabama Hospital Sued for Failing to Pay Overtime to Nurses: Know Your Labor Rights
Summary: It is no secret that healthcare workers often face wage issues such as overtime violations. One Alabama healthcare provider is facing numerous claims from nurses alleging that it engaged in multiple forms of overtime and wage theft. If you are a nurse or other...
DC Development Site Subcontractors Ordered to Pay $633K: Addressing Misclassification and Prevailing Wage Violations
Summary: Prevailing wages are the hourly rate and benefits that workers on federally funded or public works projects must be paid. A group of DC development site subcontractors were recently forced to pay over $633,000 to settle misclassification and prevailing wage violations with covered workers....
Employer Attempts to Avoid Overtime Pay by Claiming Workers Have an Ownership Interest
Summary: One employer who tried to avoid overtime pay by claiming workers were exempt for having an ownership interest in the company faced a tough crackdown from federal investigators. If you are a nonexempt worker but your employer says you are not entitled to overtime...
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It all starts with a free and confidential case review. A personal case manager will quickly identify if you have a valid claim. If they determine it’s valid, you can rest easy knowing that you won’t pay us a dime unless we recover compensation for you. Our contingency basis is meant to incentivize victims to pursue legal action without financial concerns. Contact us now to learn how our unpaid wages lawyer can help.