Table of contents:

  1. Minimum Wage Regulations
  2. Specific Exemptions from the Overtime Requirement
  3. For Workers in the Oil and Gas Industry
  4. Statute of Limitations
  5. State Law Remedies / Penalties

Ohio Wage Law Explained

Here, you’ll find an overview of the Ohio minimum wage and overtime pay laws. The Lore Law Firm has extensive experience working to enforce Ohio’s wage and hour laws to recover unpaid overtime for workers. If you think you have not received the overtime pay that is legally owed to you per Ohio overtime rules, please be sure to contact the Lore Law Firm for a confidential and free review of your circumstances to determine whether or not any Ohio overtime rules have been broken.

For more information, contact an Ohio overtime laws & wages attorney or visit our comprehensive state labor laws guide.

Work 40+ Hours Per Week?
Not Paid Overtime?
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Minimum Wage Regulations

By Year

  • 2023: $10.10 per hour
  • 2022:  $9.30 per hour
  • 2021:  $8.80 per hour
  • 2020:  $8.70 per hour
  • 2019:  $8.55 per hour
  • 2018:  $8.30 per hour

Tipped Employees – (employees who customarily receive more than $30 per month in tips)

  • 2023: $5.05 per hour
  • 2022:  $4.65 per hour
  • 2021:  $4.40 per hour
  • 2020:  $4.35 per hour
  • 2019:  $4.30 per hour
  • 2018:  $4.15 per hour

Overtime Regulations

Ohio follows the Federal law and there are no state-specific Ohio state overtime laws. Overtime pay of time and a half is required for all non-exempt Ohio employees for hours worked over 40 during a workweek. Employers with gross annual receipts of at least $150,000 must pay non-exempt employees at an overtime rate of one-and-one-half the employee’s wage rate for all hours worked over 40 in a workweek. There are several exemptions in Ohio overtime laws that are discussed below.

Specific Exemptions from the Overtime Requirement

If an exemption is met from the overtime requirements, an employee’s employer is not required to pay overtime. Keep in mind that there are specific conditions to meet each exemption. Below is a list of the most common exemptions to the Ohio overtime pay requirements.

  • Part-time police officers, firefighters, and students employed by any political subdivision of Ohio
  • Paperboys
  • Babysitters and caretakers for the sick or elderly, whose principle duties do not include housekeeping
  • Executive employees
  • Professional employees
  • Administrative employees
  • Computer employees

For Workers in the Oil and Gas Industry

Regardless of how they are compensated (salary, day rate, or hourly), employees in the oil and gas industry frequently are victims of overtime pay violations. Employees working the following jobs are commonly due unpaid overtime:

  • Pipeline Inspectors
  • Service Supervisors
  • Top Drive Technicians
  • Pumpers and Lease Operators
  • Tankermen / Tankerman
  • Field Coordinators
  • Mud Pushers
  • Mud loggers
  • MWD / LWD Technicians
  • Tool Pushers
  • Water Truck Drivers
  • Field Engineers
  • Field Office Clerks

Holidays / Vacation

There is currently no state law in Ohio that requires additional pay for employees working on weekends or holidays. Vacation, holiday, or other pay for time not worked also does not have to be offered by employers in Ohio. These policies are at the discretion of the employer.

Meal Breaks / Rest Periods

Breaks are not required to be provided to employees in Ohio. If breaks are given, employers must pay employees for breaks of 20 minutes or less, according to the Federal requirements. Any meal break of 30 minutes or more can remain unpaid as long as the employee is relieved of all duties during this time.

Reporting Time Pay

Neither Ohio nor the Federal law requires employees to be paid if he or she reports to work expecting a certain number of hours but does not get to work their full schedule.

Pay Periods

Under Ohio wage law, all employees must be paid at least twice a month (on or before the 15th and 30th of each month) unless the employee is exempt from overtime labor laws. Employees who are exempt must be paid at least once a month.


Ohio wage law does not address the types of deductions which can be taken; however pursuant to the FLSA, deductions for items such as uniforms, shortages, damaged goods, or trade tools cannot reduce the employee’s hourly wage below the minimum rate.

Statute of Limitations

For overtime pay claims, the statute of limitations is identical to Federal Law in that claims can be made for the 2 or 3 years (3 years if the violation is willful) prior to the filing of a lawsuit.

State Law Remedies / Penalties

The same Federal law remedies for overtime violations are available under Ohio overtime rules. According to Ohio state overtime laws, emlpyees can recover all unpaid overtime for two or sometimes three years prior to the filing of a lawsuit. Employees are additionally entitled to an award of “liquidated damages” equal to the amount of the unpaid overtime in nearly all cases, so a successful employee can recover two times the amount of unpaid overtime under Ohio overtime rules. Attorney’s fees and expenses may also be awarded to a successful plaintiff.

Questions? Contact us and we will review your specific circumstances and provide you with further information on Ohio overtime pay laws. Use our convenient case-evaluation-form to submit your information, send an email or call attorney Michael Lore.

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