Summary: When a company denies covered remote workers overtime pay, they are violating federal law. An unpaid overtime attorney can provide tireless legal representation to secure the wage recovery you deserve. Find out more about your rights. 

In a time where teleworking is increasingly common, many companies have had to adjust their policies and procedures to accommodate the rise in remote work. As a remote worker, you may enjoy a range of benefits including increased flexibility over your schedule. On the flip side, you may also sometimes feel that your personal life and professional life blend together. 

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires employers to track the hours of remote employees and pay them for all hours of work, just like in-office workers. The FLSA also compels employers to pay overtime to nonexempt workers, regardless of whether that employee is remote or not. 

If you are a remote worker, and you believe that your employer is denying you overtime compensation, you may find yourself in need of legal assistance. A remote workers overtime pay lawyer can protect your interests in a wage and hour claim. An attorney can help you pursue all compensation you are entitled to under the law.

Remote Work and Overtime Pay Eligibility

Overtime rules apply to remote workers the same way they do to in-office employees. Tracking work time for remote employees is a fairly straightforward process, but far too many companies fail to do this or pay remote workers for straight time for a specific number of hours. This means that remote workers who are working more than 40 hours a week could be missing out on overtime pay. 

Under the FLSA, all covered, nonexempt employees must be paid an overtime rate of 1.5 times their normal pay rate when they work more than 40 hours in a given workweek. If you are a remote worker, it is important to understand your rights to overtime pay and to check that your employer has a system in place to accurately track all hours worked. Remote workers are particularly vulnerable to working off-the-clock hours, but doing so could result in breaches of minimum wage and overtime laws. 

Untracked time spent on mandatory tasks for the employer could pose an FLSA violation. Remote workers may be victims of wage theft if they are:

If you are a remote worker and believe that your employer is not paying you overtime or other wages owed, a lawyer can help protect your rights and ensure fair treatment under labor laws. 

Filing a Claim for Overtime Wages

All non-exempt remote workers are entitled to overtime pay after they pass the 40-hour threshold in a workweek. Non-exempt employees can be paid in many ways. These can include an hourly, salaried, day rate, commission, or piece rate basis. Exempt employees often work in specific roles, such as management or supervisory positions. 

Nonexempt employees who work remotely are always entitled to overtime pay and must be compensated for all hours worked exceeding a standard workweek. If you are a remote worker entitled to overtime back pay, an unpaid overtime lawyer can gather evidence of your work hours and pay discrepancies to support your claim. 

If you are a nonexempt remote worker, you deserve to be paid for every hour worked, and employers who withhold overtime pay could be subject to serious legal consequences. Available compensation in a successful claim could include:

  • Back pay
  • Liquidated damages double the amount of back wages you are owed
  • Attorney’s fees

Reach Out to a Remote Workers Overtime Attorney

Unpaid overtime, missed breaks, and misclassification are all common forms of wage theft that remote workers frequently face. If your employer is denying your right to overtime pay as a nonexempt employee in a remote work environment, the FLSA offers you numerous legal protections. 

A skilled remote workers overtime pay lawyer can analyze your work records for potential wage and hour violations and file a case on your behalf for all overtime due. An attorney can help you navigate the many complexities that these cases often present while serving as a legal buffer between you and your employer. 

Contact our office by using our online chat or form to request your free, confidential review and discuss the next steps.

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